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ECKANKAR—The Path of Spiritual Freedom

Welcome to ECKANKAR in Washington 

Eckankar is the path of spiritual freedom, and exists to serve Soul on Its journey home to God. Throughout the state of Washington we offer a variety of classes, discussion groups, workshops, seminars, and much more to assist you. We warmly invite you to come to an event and check out these teachings for yourself.

What is Eckankar?

Are you looking to experience more divine love in your life? Do you have spiritual questions you would like answered?

Each of us is connected to God through Divine Spirit (the ECK), which can be heard as Sound and seen as Light. Eckankar offers a spiritual toolkit to help you experience the Light and Sound of God and explore your own unique and natural relationship with the Divine.

With spiritual liberation comes total freedom and total responsibility.

When you are ready, love, wisdom, and spiritual freedom are available through the teachings of ECK.

—Harold Klemp, The Spiritual Life, p. 144

Have you had a spiritual experience?

  • Lucid or prophetic dreams
  • Past life memory; reincarnation
  • Soul Travel; out of body experience
  • Near-death experience
  • Coincidence, deja vu
  • Miracles, healing, protection
  • Guidance from inner guides, angels, or spiritual teachers

Many people who come across the teachings of Eckankar report having had a spiritual experience. The spiritually awakened heart knows and recognizes all of these experiences as blessings of divine spirit, intended to help us learn more about the gift of divine love.

Eckankar offers spiritual discussions and classes as a way for people to share their own experiences in a relaxed, friendly, and non-judgmental setting. If you prefer to come and just listen, that’s okay too! You’ll have the opportunity to explore how divine spirit is working in your life, and be able to learn useful and inspiring spiritual tools that will help you understand and enhance your spiritual experiences.

Spiritual conversations are happening throughout Washington.

Eckankar Activities in Washington

The activities listed below are regularly offered throughout the state of Washington. All are free and are open to the public, with the exception of the Advanced Spiritual Studies classes, which anyone may visit as a guest one time, and may continue with ECK membership.

Spiritual Conversations

Spiritual Conversations

Eckankar Book Discussions

Book Discussions

Eckankar - Advanced Spiritual Studies

Advanced Spiritual Studies

The Sound of Soul

Sound of Soul Events

ECK Light and Sound Services

ECK Light and Sound Services

2019 Eckankar Retreat at Seabeck WA

See All Our Activities

Join Us for an ECK Activity!

Check out our activity pages above or go to our Events Calendar to find an activity in your area.