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A variety of ECK activities are happening regularly throughout the state of Washington. Each activity serves as a spiritual focal point for the members of our community, as well as offers an opportunity for new people to learn about the ECK teachings and experience the freedom of exploring their own spiritual life in a deeper, more personal way.

Many times the bounties of the Holy Spirit are held back from us because we don’t ask. We want something to come into our lives, and we just sit and wait. But if we ask for it, we may just get it.

—Harold Klemp, The Language of Soul, p. 3

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ECK Chela Activities & Trainings

Chela activities and trainings are an important and necessary way for ECK members to stay current with the teachings of ECK and the mission of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. They are also a great way to join in fellowship with others in the ECK community, sharing stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about how Spirit is working in your life.

Eckankar - Advanced Spiritual Studies

Advanced Spiritual Studies

Eckankar Spiritual Conversations

Chela Trainings

Eckankar Spiritual Conversations

Vahana Outreach

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ECK H. I. Activities & Trainings

H. I. activities and trainings are an important and necessary way for ECK members to stay current with the teachings of ECK and the mission of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. They are also a great way to join in fellowship with others in the ECK community, sharing stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about how Spirit is working in your life.

Eckankar - Advanced Spiritual Studies

Advanced Spiritual Studies

Eckankar Spiritual Conversations

Chela Trainings

Eckankar Spiritual Conversations

Vahana Outreach

Eckankar Spiritual Conversations

H.I. Activities & Trainings


ECK [restrict message=” “]Public [/restrict] Activities

The ECK activities listed below are free and open to the public, with the exception of the Advanced Spiritual Studies classes—which anyone may visit as a guest one time, and may continue with ECK membership.

Spiritual Conversations

Spiritual Conversations

Eckankar Book Discussions

Book Discussions

Eckankar - Advanced Spiritual Studies

Advanced Spiritual Studies

The Sound of Soul

Sound of Soul Events

ECK Light and Sound Services

ECK Light and Sound Services

Eckankar Workshops

Eckankar Workshops

Eckankar Seminar

Eckankar Seminars

Eckankar Special Event

Eckankar Special Events

Eckankar Video Presentations

Audio/Video Presentations