ECKANKAR offers a unique Advanced Spiritual Study program that comes with membership. In your first year, you’ll receive The Easy Way Discourses, a powerful twelve-month study plan that unlocks the wisdom inside you. Each month you’ll explore a lesson from the Living ECK Master. As you continue your studies, you’ll receive a new discourse series each year.
You’ll explore topics such as:
- Karma or Sin?
- The Logic of Reincarnation
- Set Your Sights on God
- What is Spiritual Living?
- Access to the Inner Worlds
You’re Welcome to Visit a Class
In an ECK Satsang Class you’ll meet other like-hearted people, each with their own experiences and questions about how God and Divine Spirit are working in each of our lives.
If you would like to visit a class to experience what Satsang is like, please contact the nearest Local Director in your area.
—Harold Klemp, The Call of Soul, p. 102
ECKANKAR Membership—Advanced Spiritual Study as the Next Step on Your Road Home to God
Experience the miracle of spiritual growth. Reach your highest spiritual potential. See the bigger picture of life. Explore the many facets of divine truth. For more information on Eckankar membership visit the membership section of the ECKANKAR website.
Satsang Classes Are Happening All Over!
Along with studying your monthly discourse is the opportunity to join a local Satsang class. In an ECK Satsang, you’ll be able to discuss your discourse with other like-hearted people, each with their own experiences and questions. These classes are a powerful way to explore the ECK teachings and see how God and Divine Spirit are working in your life.