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Book Discussions

A book discussion is a great way to get together with others to read and discuss an Eckankar book of particular interest. Lasting anywhere from 6 weeks to a year, these get-togethers offer an opportunity for a small group of people to delve more deeply into a spiritual topic and gain new insights, connections, and meaning.

Studying the ECK works in a supportive book group not only provides an opportunity for lively spiritual discussion and personal exploration, but also serves as a helpful introduction to the benefits of studying the ECK discourses (lessons) in more advanced spiritual classes known as ECK satsang.

If you are a sincere seeker of truth, you realize that something within you is constantly pushing you from the nest. You know the answers you seek do exist somewhere in the world. This inner force that pushes you to find the answers is an urge you have no control over.

It is the call of Soul.

—Harold Klemp, The Call of Soul, p. 1

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The wide variety of ECK books available for discussion range from those at an introductory level to those for the more serious student of the ECK teachings. All are welcome for most book discussions. Please check with the facilitator for more information.

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