Serving the ECK with Love. As a volunteer and leader in ECK, others may look to you as an example of divine love and balance. Chela trainings are an important way to stay current with the teachings of ECK, and to align more fully with the mission of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, which is to reach people everywhere with the golden teachings of ECKANKAR. In whatever way you can, serve the ECK with love, and let your light shine before all.
Available Training
Arahta Training
The Arahata Training is a 6-session training for ECK Initiates of the Second Circle or higher, and at least 18 years old. Trainees must have a copy of the current ECK Arahata Book, by Sri Harold Klemp. This is the handbook and guide for all teaching Arahatas. Through Satsang on the ECK Arahata Book, the Inner and Outer Master trains each chela in the spiritual art of being an ECK teacher.
Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer
The Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer Training is for all ECK volunteers serving in the RESA organization. The purpose of this training is to help chelas appreciate the gift of serving the ECK and living as a conscious Co-worker with the Mahanta.
Handbook for ECK Leaders
The Handbook for ECK Leaders Training is a 6-session training for ECK Initiates of the Second Circle or higher. It is especially intended for Second through Fourth Initiates. Trainees must have a copy of the current Handbook for ECK Leaders, in which Sri Harold Klemp shares the secret teachings of becoming a Co-worker with God.
Through true contemplation on Handbook for ECK Leaders, each initiate receives training from the Inner and Outer Master on how to become a better leader, coworker, and vehicle for the ECK.
The Sound of Soul Event Training
The Sound of Soul Event Training is for ECK Initiates of the Second Circle or higher who are approved by the RESA. Trainees must have completed the current Arahata Training, as well as the training for Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer or Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate. Trainees must also have a copy of The Sound of Soul: Event Guide.
The purpose of The Sound of Soul Event Training is to help chelas appreciate the importance of HU, and to learn how to host a Sound of Soul event so seekers may experience for themselves the wonders of HU.
The Holy Spirit will give us all that we need. First, we must learn to expect the best in life, and be willing to plan and work for it. Second, we need a clear mental picture of what we desire. Third, this picture is to be maintained constantly, with the certainty that Divine Spirit will supply any rightful desire. Fourth, there must be gratitude for every good thing received.
—Harold Klemp, The Language of Soul, p. 67
Chela Trainings Around the State
Chela trainings happen regularly throughout the state of Washington, and are an important and necessary way for ECK members to stay current with the teachings of ECK and the mission of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. They are also a great way to join in fellowship with others in the ECK community, sharing stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about how Spirit is working in your life.