Your role as a High Initiate in ECK is one of great love and service to life. You are a living representative of ECK, and a spiritual example and role model for both the ECK community and the larger community in which you live.
By keeping current with the trainings offered by ECKANKAR, you strengthen your connection with the Inner Master, and can more fully support the Mahanta’s mission of reaching others with the golden message of ECKANKAR.
Available Chela Trainings
Arahata Training
Training: Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer
Training: Handbook for ECK Leaders
Training: The Sound of Soul
Training: ECK Light and Sound Services
The ECK Light and Sound Services Training is for members of the ECK Clergy. Other approved High Initiates, as well as qualified Fourth Initiates approved by the RESA, may also be invited to attend.
Trainees must have completed the current Arahata Training, as well as the training for Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate (or, if a Fourth Initiate, the training for Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer). Trainees must also have a copy of ECK Light and Sound Services: ECKANKAR Guidelines.
The purpose of the ECK Light and Sound Services Training is to help ECK clerics appreciate the love and care that goes into preparing for an ECK Light and Sound Service, and to understand that every ECK Light and Sound Service serves as sacred ground for attendees to experience God’s Light and Sound, which happens during the spiritual exercise and singing of HU, the focal point of the service.
Training: Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership
The Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership: ECK Leader’s Training is an 8-session training for ECK High Initiates (5th Initiation or higher). Trainees must have a current copy of the book Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership, Book 1, as well as the Workbook for Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership.
The purpose of this training is to help High Initiates become better leaders, coworkers, and vehicles for the ECK.
Training: Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate
The Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate Training is for current ECK High Initiates. It is an opportunity for High Initiates to discover that they are in training for Mastership, and to explore how to do and be their best with this opportunity.
Therefore, man’s appeal to God is: “How can I become a channel for thy great work?”
The answer is simple. Think, feel,and act. That is all there is to it, when combined with beauty, love, and wisdom.
—Paul Twitchell, The Flute of God, p. 130
H. I. Trainings and Activities Around the State
H. I. trainings and activities happen regularly throughout the state of Washington, and are an important and necessary way for High Initiates to stay current with the teachings of ECK and the mission of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. They are also a great way to join in fellowship with others in the H. I. community, sharing stories, ideas, insights, and personal experiences about how Spirit is working in your life.