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Eckankar workshops are a powerful way to learn about a spiritual topic in a larger group that explores the subject more directly and deeply. Led by skilled facilitators, ECK workshops offer attendees an opportunity to gain personal insights and information that will benefit them in their own spiritual studies, and help strengthen their own natural spiritual awareness.

My definition of a true religion is one that does good in the world.

It tries to find ways to help people be themselves. It does not try to shape people to be what we think they should be, then break spiritual or man-made laws to accomplish that. The sign of a good religion is that it helps the people grow to become more godlike, to be capable of more love and mercy—for themselves as well as for others.

—Harold Klemp, ECK Wisdom on Inner Guidance, p. v

Find a Workshop Near You

Eckankar workshops are an excellent way to delve more deeply into a particular spiritual topic, and are offered intermittently at different locations around the state. 

Currently, there are no Workshops scheduled. Visit the Events Calendar to see all available activities.