Your generous gifts have kept ECKANKAR in Washington growing and thriving for over 30 years. Your gift today will help continue to bring the ECK teachings to spiritual seekers throughout Washington for many more years to come, and to establish ECKANKAR here on earth. Thank you all for your support!
—Harold Klemp,
Stories to Help You See God in Your Life, ECK Parables, Book 4, p. 82
Mission Fund
These funds are used to support Vahana projects throughout the state of Washington, as well as our WA ECK Regional Seminar, WA ECK Retreat at Seabeck, statewide newsletter (On the Horizon), and all administrative needs of the Washington Satsang Society.
Mission Fund
On The Horizon Fund
Building Fund
Building a Home for ECK in Washington
There are no limitations except for the limitations you have made for yourself.
—Harold Klemp, What is Spiritual Freedom?, p. 60