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Welcome to the Members Area of the Washington ECK website! As a member of ECKANKAR, you have the opportunity to move more fully into the heart of divine love by taking advantage of the important spiritual tools that ECKANKAR offers.

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Welcome to the
Members Area!

Welcome to the Members Area of the Washington ECK website! As a member of ECKANKAR, you have the opportunity to move more fully into the heart of divine love by taking advantage of the important spiritual tools that ECKANKAR offers.

Your study of the ECK discourses, practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, and your personal relationship and work with the Inner Master, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp, open wide the door to spiritual freedom as never before so you can find greater purpose, love, and personal experience with Divine Spirit, the ECK![/restrict][restrict message=” ” subscription=2]

Welcome to the
H. I. Members Area!

As a High Initiate in ECK, your personal goal of becoming a Co-worker with God is ever closer, and you have the opportunity to live as the ECK Masters do, by giving love and service to all life, in every way imaginable.

Your study of the ECK discourses, practice of the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, and your personal relationship and work with the Inner Master, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp, open wide the door to spiritual freedom as never before so you can find greater purpose, love, and personal experience with Divine Spirit, the ECK![/restrict]

Vahana Outreach
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State & Local Directors

The Washington Satsang Society (WSS) is supported by a network of volunteers who are here to serve you at both the local and state levels. These ECK leaders help run the ECKANKAR organization in Washington, and serve in many different capacities, from local directors and coordinators, to statewide directors, to the WSS Board of Trustees, WSS Officers, President, and RESA.

We are grateful for their dedication and love as we continue to bring the message of ECK to the people of Washington, as well as give support to the growing number of chelas in this area!

ECK Clergy Services

Members of the ECK clergy are available to officiate a variety of spiritual services and ECK celebrations. 


About Clergy Services

Members of the ECK Clergy have extensive training and are ordained by the Eckankar Spiritual Center in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The services offered here are available to ECK members as well as the public—individuals, their friends and family, and the community in which they live.
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ECK Clergy

Clergy are available to lead ECK Light and Sound Services and officiate the four ECK celebrations of life.

  1. Consecration Ceremony
  2. Rite of Passage Ceremony
  3. ECK Wedding Ceremony
  4. ECK Memorial Service



ECK Clergy

Clergy are available to lead ECK Light and Sound Services and officiate the four ECK celebrations of life.

  1. Consecration Ceremony
  2. Rite of Passage Ceremony
  3. ECK Wedding Ceremony
  4. ECK Memorial Service

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ECK Initiator

The ECK initiations link Soul directly to the ECK, Divine Spirit, for spiritual liberation in this lifetime. Each initiation is a sacred and joyous occasion for a spiritual seeker, for it brings an ever-increasing knowledge of and love for God. And it gives new insights into why certain things in your life play out as they do.


ECK Spiritual Aide

An ESA conducts ECK Spiritual Aide sessions. An ESA session, though not counseling, can help an individual find his own answers to spiritual questions and life situations through the aid of Divine Spirit. An ESA does not offer advice but simply listens as a vehicle for the Holy Spirit.


Ongoing trainings for ECK volunteers help chelas stay in alignment with the current direction of ECKANKAR, and are an invaluable way to keep the message of ECK pure as we continue to grow. Please check with your local director for trainings that are currently available in your area.

H.I. Training

Trainings for ECK High Initiates include those for the Spiritual Duties of the ECK High Initiate, Wisdom from the Master on Spiritual Leadership, and others. These trainings are for initiates of the 5th circle and above to provide a strong bridge to the teachings of ECK for the people of Washington State.

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Chela Training

Trainings for ECK chelas include those for Spiritual Duties of the ECK Volunteer, ECK Arahata Training, Chela HU Chants, the Sound of Soul Event, and Handbook for ECK Leaders. Additional trainings are offered to support Vahana activities and outreach, introductory presentations, public speaking and storytelling, and others.

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A gift of true love is always God’s love to you that you give to another.

—Harold Klemp, We Come As Eagles, p. 85

Member Resources & Guidelines

The ECKANKAR Spiritual Center (ESC) has put together a fantastic assortment of tools, tips, brochures, guidelines, and Vahana ideas to explore unique ways to spread the message of the ECK and/or the Light and Sound of God.


Five Points to Master Your Spiritual Destiny

  1. Point number one: Forget the past, and learn the spiritual lessons of today.
  2. Point number two: Look for a new way to solve a stubborn problem.
  3. Point number three: Whatever you undertake, do it to the best of your ability. If necessary, do it even better.
  4. Point number four: Being different can make you an outcast or a leader. Sometime you need to make a choice.
  5. Point number five: Tell others about the teachings of ECK.

—Harold Klemp, adapted from Our Spiritual Wake-Up Calls, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 15, pp. 74-83

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On the Horizon Newsletters

On the Horizon (OTH) is the statewide newsletter for Eckankar members in Washington State, with stories, updates, announcements, and reports from state and local leaders. It’s produced 3 times a year and is published in both a hard copy edition that is mailed out, as well as posted online and archived on this site. OTH is supported through the generous donations of our members.

On the Horizon Winter 2019

On the Horizon Winter 2019

Letter from the editor More often than I would care to admit, it feels like things aren’t happening the ...
On the Horizon Summer 2019

On the Horizon Summer 2019

Letter from the editor—The Unfinished Business Dream It’s rare that I see a theme emerge from all the ...
On the Horizon Spring 2019

On the Horizon Spring 2019

Letter from the editor—Snow Day How does the ECK work in the everyday world? How can you perceive it ...
On the Horizon 2018

On the Horizon 2018

A Chela Publication of the Washington Satsang Society Spring Flowers for the Mahanta; Being of Service ...

We Want to Hear Your Stories!

Please submit your stories and poems for inclusion in the statewide newsletter. This is a profound way to share your insights with ECKists who enjoy the community of other ECKists but may not be able to attend regular ECK events.
