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WSS Directory

Eckankar in Washington, also known as the Washington Satsang Society (WSS), is made up of a network of volunteers, all of whom are dedicated to fulfilling Eckankar’s mission of reaching people the world over with the ECK teachings, which show an individual the way home to God. This extensive organization of volunteers oversees a thriving and growing community of ECKists in our state, providing a welcome atmosphere for all who wish to learn more about the teachings of ECK.

To all the many volunteers who give countless hours of love and service to the ECK organization here in Washington, we extend our deepest gratitude and appreciation.

Quick links to the sections below:

  1. State Directors
  2. Local Directors
  3. On The Horizon Staff

State Directors

The director for Eckankar in Washington is known as the Regional ECK Spiritual Aide (RESA), and oversees all Eckankar activities in the state. The RESA is assisted by an organization of volunteers who coordinate state and local activities, including a Board of Trustees and Officers, state directors, and local directors. Local directors are, in turn, assisted by teams of coordinators and other volunteers at the community level.

Frank Martorelli

Frank Martorelli


Jon Resh

Jon Resh


Romana Paynter

Romana Paynter

Chief Financial Officer

Kriya Velasco

Kriya Velasco


Karen Perzanowski

Karen Perzanowski

Administrative Services Director / ECK Building Project

Gary Hanada

Gary Hanada

Regional Vahana Team Leader

Marti Travers

Marti Travers

Spiritual Services Director

Moriah Tobin

Moriah Tobin

Youth & Family Program Director

Mark Travers

Mark Travers

ECK Building Project

So, for all of you who are helping to tell others about the simple word HU, I want to say thank you. Please do it. Now, more than ever, we are able to tell people about these sacred, precious teachings of the Light and Sound of God.

—Harold Klemp, Wisdom of the Heart, Book 2, p. 100

Local Directors

Our dedicated team of Local Directors, working with their own teams of volunteers, oversee and coordinate ECK activities and events in local areas around the state. If you have questions about Eckankar or want to learn more by talking with someone personally in your home community, you are welcome to contact your closest local director listed below.

Dianne Gillespie

Dianne Gillespie

Bellingham Local Director

Alan & Dawn Barnett

Alan & Dawn Barnett

Bremerton Local Directors

Graece Summer

Graece Summer

Ellensburg Local Director

Joe Federico

Joe Federico

Olympia Local Director

Cherre Resh

Cherre Resh

Seattle Local Director

Ron Swift

Ron Swift

Snohomish Valley Local Director

Lenore Costello

Lenore Costello

Spokane Local Director

Chris Greimes

Chris Greimes

Sequim Local Director

Abraham Kumah

Abraham Kumah

Tacoma Local Director

Buck Sisson

Buck Sisson

Tri-Cities Local Director

Michael Barnhart

Michael Barnhart

Vancouver Local Director

Julie Greenwood

Julie Greenwood

North Central Local Director

I’d like to wish you well on your journey home and in your quest to find love. Because that is what this journey is all about.

—Harold Klemp, Love—The Keystone of Life, p. 152


On the Horizon Team

On the Horizon (OTH) is the statewide newsletter for Eckankar members in Washington State, with stories, updates, announcements, and reports from state and local leaders. It’s produced 3 times a year and is published in both a hard copy edition that is mailed out, as well as posted within this website. To see the current issue of On the Horizon, as well as archived issues, please log in. OTH is supported through the generous donations of our members.
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On the Horizon Team

On the Horizon (OTH) is the statewide newsletter for Eckankar members in Washington State, with stories, updates, announcements, and reports from state and local leaders. It’s produced 3 times a year and is published in both a hard copy edition that is mailed out, as well as posted online and archived on this site. OTH is supported through the generous donations of our members.


Matt Brunner

Matt Brunner


Kriya Velasco

Kriya Velasco

Assistant Editor

Julie Greenwood

Julie Greenwood

Managing Editor

Teresa St George

Teresa St George

H.I. Reviewer

Kathleen Carls

Kathleen Carls

H.I. Reviewer

Jules Webb

Jules Webb

Art Director

Ron Swift

Ron Swift


Karen Perzanowski

Karen Perzanowski

Release Form Manager

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We Want to Hear Your Stories!

Please submit your stories and poems for inclusion in the statewide newsletter. This is a profound way to share your insights with ECKists who enjoy the community of other ECKists but may not be able to attend regular ECK events.
