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A Chela Publication of the Washington Satsang Society


Night Duty, Lunch with Miep, Happenings Around the State, ECKANKAR Goes to The Barter Faire, Our Community as a Temple of Love, Opportunity, Our RESA’s Message, & more…


Sustaining Divine Love, Washington State Building Fund Update, A Bit of Vahana News, Eagles and Almonds, Our Great ECK Youth, The Washington ECK Music Circle, Our RESA’s Message – “The Call to Serve”, & more…


Reaching Out – A Personal View, A HU Experience, How I Was Tempted by Snow Cones, Fun, Festivals, Fairs and Reaching Out, Reaching Out with the HU, Balloons for Reaching Out, 90 Times Around the Sun, Bless You, Simple Questions, Our RESA’s Message – “Using ECK Trainings to Develop Heart Methods”, & more…


An Abundance of Love, The Land of the White Eagle, Seabeck Retreat, Our RESA’s Message – “A thousand Small Moments”, An Afternoon of Light and Sound, Larry Siegel and Friends Spread a Little Love Around in Omak, The Joyful Play of Soul, A Miracle of Giving & more…

We Want to Hear Your Stories!

Please submit your stories and poems for inclusion in the statewide newsletter. This is a profound way to share your insights with ECKists who enjoy the community of other ECKists but may not be able to attend regular ECK events.